Primary Colors
Our primary palette is core to Vanta's identity and should always be followed to a T. The exact values for each primary color are below.
Secondary Colors
Our secondary color palette adds depth and variation to our message, and can be used for backgrounds. These colors should also be followed carefully—the exact values for each secondary color are below.
Tints and shades
Our tints and shades allow for versatility and depth in our brand storytelling, but should be used minimally as accent colors only. The exact values for each color are below—they should be followed carefully for consistency.
Color usage
To maintain brand recognition and to make sure the brand isn't diluted over time, we follow a specific color ratio. A breakdown of best practices for color usage is below.
When correctly paired with colors and text, our brand colors are contrasted enough to pass all accessibility standards—the combinations shown below all pass WCAG AAA standards.
Color in typography
The following examples show typography color combinations that are better for readability and accessibility.
And here are some color pairings to avoid in typography.
Do not use more than two secondary colors in typography.
Do not use colors that don’t adhere to accessibility standards.
Do not use our secondary colors for background and typography.