In this on-demand webinar you'll learn: How being ISO 27001 certified benefits your business The five main requirements in the certification process How automation can lead to a more cost-effective path to ISO 27001 compliance The value of continuous security monitoring during the two-year surveillance audit
Join Aaron Kraus, Director of InfoSec at Butterfly MX, and Gig Walsh, Director of Security and Compliance at LinkSquares on June 20 at 12 PM PST as they discuss best practices for vendor risk management with Eric Martin, Head of Sales at Vanta in this live webinar discussion.
Join our live webinar on May 23 at 12 PM where VP of Product Chase Lee, and Staff Product Manager Sanjay Padval as they demonstrate a brief overview and provide guidance on advancing your security program beyond building or improving. Learn how to enhance customer satisfaction and gain a competitive advantage, accelerating your business growth.
Pour vendre à des entreprises, les startups doivent garantir la protection des données de leurs clients en prouvant qu’elles ont mis en place les bonnes pratiques de sécurité. Pour cela, elles peuvent obtenir une certification comme la norme ISO 27001. Ce webinar explique les différents contrôles de sécurité à effectuer, les avantages de la certification et comment automatiser jusqu'à 90% du processus avec Vanta. Sébastien, CTO et co-fondateur de Leeway reviendra sur son expérience avec Vanta, et les participants pourront échanger avec notre responsable commerciale en France et notre expert en certification.
Starting from presales, all the way to winning new business and renewing with existing customers, how do you showcase the strength of your security, decrease the time spent on requests for security questionnaires, and not derail the sales process?
Watch this on-demand webinar to learn how custom control frameworks help to grow your business and earn the trust of customers and vendors, strengthen your security program and achieve compliance, and save significant resources.