How ComplyCube completes security questionnaires 7x faster with Vanta

London, United Kingdom

ISO 27001:2022, Trust Center, Custom Frameworks

Identity verification (IDV), anti-money laundering (AML), and know your customer (KYC)

With Vanta’s AI, ComplyCube can generate a first-draft response in minutes. They now produce completed questionnaires seven times faster than before.


ComplyCube has added many of their own custom frameworks to Vanta, giving them a 360-degree view over their entire security posture.


With Trust Center, potential clients can assess ComplyCube’s security credentials at a glance.

“We’re a market-leader in terms of our compliance posture and the number of certifications we’ve acquired in such a short time. Vanta helps us obtain and monitor them all in one place. It gives us visibility across all the things we need to stay on top of.”

Joshua Dent
Business Strategy, and Partnerships Manager, ComplyCube
The company

Helping businesses build trust at scale

ComplyCube is on a mission to build trust at scale in the global digital economy with a SaaS platform that does it all. It automates and simplifies identity verification (IDV), anti-money laundering (AML), and know your customer (KYC) compliance. With it, businesses of all sizes can meet their regulatory obligations, convert more customers, and deter fraudsters – all without adding unnecessary friction for genuine users.

“With our all-in-one platform, we have built out a trust ecosystem powered by cutting-edge AI, trusted sources, and state-of-the-art proprietary technology,” explains Andreea Balasa, Growth Manager at ComplyCube. “It’s the most trustworthy, flexible and cost-effective solution for companies that want to build trust at scale.”

ComplyCube has the fastest omnichannel integration turnaround in the market with low/no-code solutions, API, mobile and web SDKs, client libraries, and CRM integrations. Its complete set of KYC building blocks can support virtually any regulated sector, including telecoms, cryptocurrency, financial services, mobility, accounting, e-commerce, and fintech.

The challenge 

Scaling up increases compliance obligations

Founded in 2020, ComplyCube is already making waves in the Know Your Customer (KYC) space. Their proprietary solutions have been embraced by global businesses of all sizes, from fast-growing SMEs to multinationals including Lyca Mobile, Citibank and AXA. These diverse customers are united on one point —ComplyCube’s security, privacy and regulatory compliance must be beyond reproach.

Joshua Dent, Business, Strategy, and Partnerships Manager at ComplyCube, says that this is something that the company realised from the very start. When he joined in 2023, they already had important certifications, including ISO 27001, in place. However, ComplyCube was growing from a start-up to a scale-up, and they needed to strengthen their security position to meet the needs of a burgeoning and geographically diverse client base.


“Strengthening our security posture has enabled our growth, allowing us to target new sectors, and enter new geographical regions,” says Joshua. “It would be additional proof that we’re a key player in our existing markets as well.”

ComplyCube also wanted to streamline due diligence processes. Due to their rapid growth, they are receiving more and more security questionnaires from prominent potential clients, which tied up the team’s time and kept them from growth-enabling activities.

The solution

A flexible platform that makes it easy to stay on top of compliance requirements

ComplyCube decided that a trust management platform was the way forward. They wanted a solution that would streamline and automate the process of gaining new security certifications; they also wanted to continually monitor their security posture and demonstrate its strength to clients.

After evaluating a number of potential providers, they decided that Vanta was best suited to ComplyCube’s needs.

“We narrowed it down to three platforms, but the flexibility that Vanta offered won the day. For example, it would allow us to add new frameworks when we needed to and even build custom frameworks ourselves. That, coupled with its cost-effectiveness, was pretty attractive to us,” says Joshua.

Vanta’s automation capabilities were also a big selling point. ComplyCube had used another platform previously, but it hadn’t supported continual monitoring of their various security frameworks.

“As an automation-first company we’re always looking to automate complex processes, and Vanta enabled this. Previously, our team had to interpret the standards and their requirements and then create the controls to match. With Vanta, that was all built-in out of the box.”

“Vanta’s automation of compliance is crucial for us. With it, we can focus on revenue-generating activities and growing our organisation.”

The impact 

Reducing repetitive tasks and finding a route to new markets

Since starting with Vanta, ComplyCube has already used it to update their ISO 27001 certification to conform to the latest version, ISO 27001:2022. They have also used the platform to build custom frameworks from scratch.

“We have ISO 9001, for quality management, which demonstrates our commitment to continual improvement and the market-leading quality of our products and services. Another one we built was the UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework (DIATF), which we got certified for at the start of the year,” says Joshua.

Vanta’s Trust Center has also reduced the burden on Sales as it allows customers and prospects to view ComplyCube's compliance posture on demand.

“It gives them the real-time evidence they need, and it has greatly reduced the number of security questionnaires that are sent to our sales and compliance teams. They can find answers to many of their data protection questions, view our active controls, and request documents to fulfil due diligence, all in the one place.”


Looking ahead, ComplyCube continues to expand its presence in the global marketplace, and plans to further grow the number of standards to which it is certified.

“The larger the organisation, the larger their requirements in terms of security compliance and privacy. With Vanta, we can prioritise them in a way that we couldn’t before because it’s easy to see overlaps between our different frameworks.”

ComplyCube operates in a competitive field, and they must continually look to not only maintain but also improve their security posture. According to Joshua, Vanta has taken the pain out of this often onerous task:

“It helps us stay ahead of the curve. We can show that we're one of the best in the market in terms of having the controls and processes to ensure privacy and security for our clients.”

"It’s obviously a very competitive landscape out there in our industry. We need to be able build credibility and trust by demonstrating our compliance posture through the certifications that our customers expect."

Joshua Dent
Business Strategy, and Partnerships Manager, ComplyCube

"We tell Vanta AI to draw the answers from our knowledge base, and it creates a very good first draft. We then review and refine it. It saves us an amazing amount of time."

Joshua Dent
Business Strategy, and Partnerships Manager, ComplyCube